C     R     O     S     S     -     S     T     I     T     C     H         C     H     A     R     T     S

How did your find your name Lilipoints ?We wanted something simple that could be understood in any languages ... after long research, we realized that «LI» was the common syllable of our two names, Nathalie and I  and that’s it ! Alain my husband, who has an advertising agency, created our logo.

Where did you study  ?I studied journalism first and after that graphic design in an advertising agency.
What has motivated you to create cross stitch charts ?The hope that I could bring something new and unique in this market…
What are your main inspirations ?All the simple things in life such as following  decorating fashions and new trends as well as reading a book with my daughter or riding my bike in the streets of Avignon...
What future do you forsee for your company ?I’ll be happy to see my company growing and expanding, as long as I ‘ll keep the pleasure of sharing my designs with the cross stitchers all over the world. ..

Sarl  L.L.P.  /  L I L I P O I N T S
37 ter, rue B u f f o n  -  Bat D 7 8 4 0 0 0  AVIGNON  (France)
Tél/Fax:  33 (0) 4 90 25 80 42
m a i l : contact @ lilipoints.com

Meeting Caroline, the creator of LILIPOINTS
Tell me about yourself ? Where do you live ?Caroline Cantieni, 52 years old, married, one daughter of 19.I was born in Paris but I’ve been  living in South France (Avignon) for 30 years, a very sunny and colorful countryside…
How long have you been a designer ?I’ve worked for 10 years in a design studio : I was responsible for the kids textile collection. For me, creating has become like an obsession, I need to create everyday of my life.

A brief History of LILIPOINTSLILIPOINTS is a French company based in Provence that has been created in 2005 by a young kids clothes designer Caroline and her partner Nathalie who decided to turn their hobby into a real job !Within a short time, the originality of colours and designs of Caroline have been greatly appreciated by French customers who discovered with LILIPOINTS a new style of embroidery as well as the modernity of her graphics. For this reason Caroline developed a very large collection because of the increasing demand for her products  in English. All charts are included with English and French instructions.

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